Cureganics CBD Natural Capsules

Cureganics CBD Natural Capsules

Introducing CBD Oil Capsules 

CBD is one of the over 85 cannabinoids compounds present in the hemp plant. It has been shown to promote health and keep users stable internally regardless of the changes in their external environment.

If you’re wondering if CBD can make you high being derived from hemp and all of that, the answer is a simple; no.

CBD cannot make you high, it is non-psychoactive and thus considered safe and instead of the “high” feeling of, CBD can neutralize the effect of THC, the compound behind the “euphoric” feeling.  

cbd vs thc

While CBD is safe for use for almost everyone with a recent report from World Health Organization also backing that fact, you may want to ensure you check with your doctor before starting CBD products such as CBD gummies and CBD tinctures especially if pregnant or on any medication. Also, you want to ensure that you use only the best CBD gummies or oil or tincture on the market or the best of any CBD product you intend buying.

CBD Health Benefits

Improves the Mood

CBD works directly on the serotonin receptor in the brain, and GABA – an inhibitory neurotransmitter. So, if you’re feeling down, it might be time to chew some yummy organic cannabidiol gummies or use some drops of CBD tinctures.

Reduces Inflammation

CBD suppresses cytokine production and causes the T-regulatory cells to protect the body from turning against itself; an action researchers believe holds promises in many autoimmune conditions.

organic cbd oil

Decreases Chronic pain

CBD can help halt the transmission of nerve signaling via pain pathways.

Helps Treat Seizures

CBD has been shown to help relieve epilepsy, especially in children.

Possible Side Effects from CBD Use

CBD has minimal adverse effects, and the few ones that occur are usually mild and sometimes the result of taking an extremely high dosage of the compound or using fakes.

Possible Side Effects from CBD Use

Some of these side effects include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry mouth
  • Bloating

Again, all of the side effects are often mild, dosage-dependent, and resolve in a few hours. If you experience any of these reactions, stop the product and consult your doctor.

Choosing A CBD Product

CBD products are available as gummies and other edibles, patches, topical balms, Cureganics CBD capsules, oils, teas, and tinctures. Just like many natural supplements, CBD production and distribution are not regulated by the FDA, meaning it is important to choose wisely to be certain of the product you are getting.

One of the best ways to find out the quality of your CBD product is to discuss directly with the company or dispenser you are purchasing from. You also want to look out for companies that carry out extensive third party testing to ensure you are getting the highest standard possible.

top cbd oil

Lastly, we must emphasize here that while hemp and marijuana are of the same family, they are completely different in function and application. Marijuana contains high THC levels (this explains the feeling of euphoria many marijuana users derive from its use) and is commonly used medically and recreationally.

The hemp plant, (from which CBD is extracted) on the other hand contains only smaller amounts of THC and higher CBD content. So, be sure to buy just CBD if you need CBD, you cannot use THC and CBD interchangeably.


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